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We have over 10k+ views, 44k active contacts on Whatsapp alone since February 2022.Â
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With over 8yrs experience since 2014, back from wapka, Myb, Xtgem and now on WordPress.Â

Primes TV
Primes Media Empire is an Entertainment Brand, registered with the Federal Government of Nigeria Via Cooperate Affairs Commission (CAC) – BN 3161404, since, August 17th 2020.
The brand started from Whatsapp as a Whatsapp TV now with over 60,000 members/contacts and gets over 12,000 views on each post (since december 2022). The brand has grown into an online hub that feeds users daily with Entertaining contents.

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What People Say
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- John Doe
Porto Founder
Cras a elit sit amet leo accumsan volutpat. Suspendisse hendreriast ehicula leo, vel efficitur felis ultrices non. Cras a elit sit amet leo acun volutpat. Suspendisse hendrerit vehicula leo, vel efficitur fel.

- John Smith
Porto Founder